With the ever-evolving landscape of consumer market behaviors, it takes time to determine what will stay and what won't. Over the past year since COVID-19 struck, one thing has made itself clear: brick and mortar stores aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Despite a rapidly growing trend in favor of online shopping in recent years, brick-and-mortar establishments are making themselves known through their resilience amidst the pandemic.

In this blog post, we'll explore six reasons why these physical locations will continue playing an essential role in today's marketplace, even as online shopping becomes more popular. Read on for a full breakdown of how brick and mortars can still offer something that digital outlets can't!


1. Convenience

Brick and mortar stores offer the convenience of shopping without having to wait for an item to be shipped. This means that customers can handle shipping costs, delivery timeframes, or missing items due to mishaps in transit. By shopping in person, customers can see and feel the products they're buying right away, eliminating any uncertainty or confusion related to online purchases.


2. Human Interaction

When shopping in person, customers can interact with sales staff and other shoppers who can inform their decisions and offer assistance if needed. This is especially important for those buying items such as electronics or home decor where one may need help understanding the product features or benefits. It also offers a great opportunity for sales staff to upsell or introduce customers to new products they may have yet to consider.


3. Customer Experience

Although some may argue that shopping online is more convenient and cost-effective, there's nothing special about walking into a physical store. Shopping in a brick and mortar gives customers an immersive experience with sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that can't be replicated online or through digital channels. This experiential aspect often fuels customer loyalty and encourages them to return to the store in the future.


4. Community Engagement

Brick and mortar stores also offer an opportunity for local businesses to engage with their communities in a meaningful way. As brick and mortar are usually independently owned, they are often more involved in their respective neighborhoods than large online retailers.

Businesses can monitor grand inaugurations and retail opening trends to stay ahead of the competition and cater to their local demographic better. An online directory of grand openings helps businesses to stay connected with the community, identify new customers, and promote their services in a targeted fashion.

At www.openings24.com, local businesses can list and promote their grand opening events to the local community. The platform also helps businesses to stay ahead of the competition with neighborhood-specific insights and trends.


5. Shopping Options

Brick and mortar stores often offer customers a diverse range of options when it comes to shopping, from traditional department stores to specialty boutiques. This gives customers more choices and allows them to tailor their shopping experience based on their needs and preferences. Whether it's the latest trends or unique items, brick and mortar stores offer something for everyone.

When customers have access to a wide selection of products, they are more likely to find what they're looking for and create memorable shopping experiences.


6. Data Collection

Businesses often collect data to better understand their customers and create personalized marketing campaigns. Brick and mortar stores allow businesses to collect data in real time which can be used to segment customers based on their buying habits or preferences. This allows retailers to tailor their services and products accordingly, creating a more enjoyable shopping experience for customers.

You can also use the data collected from brick and mortar stores to optimize pricing, store layout, and other aspects of the customer journey. By analyzing customer behavior and purchase patterns, businesses are better equipped to make data-driven decisions that maximize their profits.

Brick and mortar stores offer customers an immersive, interactive shopping experience that online retailers can only sometimes replicate. With the ability to engage with sales staff, explore a wide range of products, and collect valuable data in real-time, brick and mortar offer a unique shopping experience that resonates with consumers. Businesses should take advantage of this opportunity to create a memorable experience that customers will want to come back for.